The Box

The Box is a design outdoor tile with a geometric appearance. Compared to the Cityscape concrete, the tile looks a bit calmer. By laying it diagonally, it usually comes into its own. With an invisible edge, made of recycled plastic, you can lock her up. Very suitable for larger surfaces and available in 2 thicknesses; 6 cm and 8 cm. The Box has been specially developed for 'de Kwekerij' in Utrecht; designed in collaboration with SSH Stadspanden and Jebber bv.

Dimensions and weight

60 x 40 x 6 cm ( 5 tiles per m2), circa 28,2 kg per tile and

60 x 40 x 8 cm  (5 tiles per m2), circa. 37,6 kg per tile


Cleaning tips

• Do not leave (potting) soil, contaminated sand or cement on the tiles. Remove this immediately with clean water and a soft brush.

• Do not leave dirt and leaves lying for too long to prevent contamination of the tiles.

• Do not use chemical or synthetic cleaning agents.

• Do not use a high-pressure cleaner as this will cause roughening of the tile.

• Clean the tiles if necessary with clean water and our advice is to do this in combination

with the products of Normeco or with the Bionyx “Terrace and driveway cleaner” (available at the Intratuin, among others).



> LCA MKI (Noord-Holland) calculation by NIBE

> LCA MKI (Nederland excl. Noord Holland) calculation by NIBE


Consumer prices

60 x 40 x 6 cm, grey – anthracite – terracotta: € 57,86 per sqm, excl. btw and transport costs.

60 x 40 x 6 cm, grey – anthracite – terracotta: € 61,42 per sqm, excl. btw and transport costs.




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Consists of 76% materials that are released during Urban Mining. Is modular and has a false joint.

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Invoice request form

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We make our circular floor solutions for private individuals from 4 m2.


Do you have an example or collage of the project that you would like to send along? Or design your own carpet with our design tool:, and upload the file (pdf, jpg, png) at the bottom of this form. 



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