
On this page we have collected all download files. Would you like to take a look at our brochures or manuals? Or view a drawing of a specific shape for a future project? Then click on the download link below the image. NOTE: Compressing the DXF file to another (autoCAD) file can affect the original scale. The cityscape is 45,5 x 59,5 x 6 cm.


Cityscapes Concrete

The Right Wae Collection

Circular Carpets

Shape drawings:

Concrete © Cityscapes

Manuals (how does it work?)

LCA's & Sustainability Passport

Concrete Cityscapes LCA MKI (Noord-Holland)

Concrete Cityscapes LCA MKI (Nederland excl. Noord Holland)

Modulaire kleden LCA

Duurzaamheidspaspoort (NL Greenlabel)

Algemene voorwaarden & privacy

Terms and Conditions (Circular flooring)

Terms and Conditions (Concrete)

Privacy Statement (Studio Wae B.V.)